Sunday, September 15, 2013

Code Blocks, adding structure to your script

Cold Block, I mean Code Blocks
For eight long years, expect-lite was a simple scripting language. Running scripts from the top to the bottom of the file. At the request of an expect-lite user, code blocks were introduced in version 4.2. Code Blocks permit grouping of lines and add structure to your script.

Code Blocks allow you to create multi-line conditionals (if statements), while and foreach loops. Naturally, Code Blocks can be nested. Code blocks start with a square bracket, [, and end with a closing square bracket, ]. Indentation within a Code Block is not required, but makes the script more readable. Let's look at each of these in more detail.

Multi-line Conditional

It has been a limitation for a long time, that expect-lite commands had to be on one line. So the conditional was limited to the following, with the double colon representing else
?if $var > $big ? >do something :: >do something else

However with code blocks, it is now possible to insert multiple lines for the then and else statement, such as:
 ?if $var > $big ? [
  ;red --- Var:$var is out of bounds
  ; === incrementing Var:$var
In the above example, if $var is larger than $big, there is something wrong, tell the user about it using a red coloured comment line, and then mark the script as failed.

The While Loop

The While loop is a simple looping mechanism which has a test or comparison at the top of the loop, and therefore usually needs a couple lines of setup before hand.
[ $i < $max
   >echo $i
In the above example, a loop counter variable, $i, is set to zero, and a maximum count, $max, is set before the while loop begins. As mentioned earlier, the code block begins with the open square bracket, and the while loop test is defined, $i < $max. The indented lines print out the value of $i as the while loop progresses, and +$i increments the value of $i. Lastly, the lone close square bracket on a separate line, indicates the end of the Code Block, and hence, the while loop.

The Foreach Loop

The foreach loop is another looping mechanism where the items to be iterated over are known beforehand. For example, the script writer may want to iterate over the planet names. In each iteration of the loop, the variable $planet will be assigned a value in the list of planets.
[ $planet=mercury venus earth mars  jupiter  saturn  uranus    neptune
  >ping6 c1 $planet
Of course, until the internet is extended to the interplanetary-internet, using IPv6 naturally, you may not receive an answer to the ping, but you get the idea. 

Foreach loops have the limitation in expect-lite, that the items in the list must be space delimited. As you can see in the example above, multiple spaces are allowed. And if your list as something else as a delimiter, such as a comma, there is an expect-lite feature called string math to help.
; === use string math /search/replace/ to convert commas to spaces
=$planets /,/ / 

 Please look at the man page, or online documentation for more information on string math.

Keeping it Simple

Code Blocks do add a bit of complexity to the script, but the added structure will bring more power, and clarity to your scripts, all the while keeping it simple.


  1. Hello Craig.
    I have question about "expect-lite" using.

    script example -

    So here we expect "expect_A" string and "expect_B" string, after! "expect_A" string incoming in "run_some_command" output content.

    Question, how i can write select script -
    (expect "expect_A" and "expect_B" strings in any sequence in received content) ?

  2. Hello Andrey,

    If you know that expect_A and expect_B will only occur once in the output, you can use the following:
    >run some_command

    This is using the regex OR operator (the vertical pipe character). You can find more on about regex and expect-lite at
